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Ruwanthie de Chickera is a playwright, screenwriter, theatre director, actor trainer and cultural activist based in Sri Lanka. She has written/directed over 30 original plays and two screen plays. Her award-winning film “Machan” (2008) has been screened in over 50 countries and won several local and international awards including Best Film in the Venice Film festival. She is the artistic director of Stages Theatre Group, set up in the year 2000 to produce socially and politically conscious original Sri Lankan Theatre; now one of the most respected theatre companies in the country.  Ruwanthie is an Eisenhower Fellow. She is also a consultant for the Institute of Statelessness and Inclusion, working with stateless activists, helping them develop their capacities and skills to tell their stories effectively. She is currently working on two new film scripts and a TV series.


A Jewish Survival Guide for the 21st Century

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