Nimmi Harasgama is an actor, writer, and activist with an extensive career spanning Sinhala, Tamil, and English film, television, and theatre. She won the Best Actress Award at the Las Palmas International Film Festival and Sri Lanka’s prestigious Vishwa Keerthi award for her performance in the film August Sun. Nimmi has earned international acclaim for her roles in the TV series The Good Karma Hospital, the play Silence at the Donmar Warehouse in London’s West End, and Deepa Mehta’s award-winning Funny Boy. A dedicated activist, Nimmi has used theatre to address social issues throughout her career. She worked with refugees in the North and East using Forum Theatre practices during Sri Lanka’s civil conflict, and continues to work for this cause with Pan Intercultural Arts in the UK. Currently, she is collaborating with Emmy winner, Helen Blakeman on a feature animation adaptation of The Girl Who Stole an Elephant, and developing her one-woman show Auntie Netta’s Holiday for Asylum into a TV series.
‘The Making of the Modern Hindu Identity